
Barton Seagrave Primary School

'Educating Children to Confidently Face the Future'


Attendance Policy 2023-2024

Our school start and finish times are as follows:


Doors open

Years R, 1 & 2: 8:35a.m.

Years 3-6: 8:35a.m.


Registration KS1: 8:45

Registration KS2: 8:45


End of day

Reception and KS1: 3:15p.m.

KS2: 3.20p.m.


We monitor the attendance of all pupils on a weekly basis, this includes missed sessions and/or lateness. Should your child's attendance decline you will hear from our Attendance Officer, Claire Bell in the first instance.


Any attendance queries/notifications can be sent to the email address


We promote the importance of good attendance to all children. Awards are given on a weekly basis to the class with the best attendance. We award end of year certificates to children who have had 100% attendance. We share with you your child's classes attendance figure via our regular newsletters.


Persistent Absentees

From September 2015 the Government has changed the threshold for persistent absenteeism. A pupil of compulsory school age who has an absence rate of 10% or more (attendance of 90% or less) will be classed as a persistent absentee.

As of September 2015, Penalty Notices can be issued for any of the following;

  • The pupil has attendance levels of 90% or below and at least 8 sessions of unauthorised absence within an 8 week period (up to 3 penalty notices may be issued in any academic year).
  • Persistent late arrival at school after the register has closed contributing to a level of attendance of 90% or below;
  • Leave of absence in term time which has not been authorised by the school;
  • Not remaining within the dates agreed for any authorised leave of absence;
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