Eco Council
Eco Council
What are we doing??
- Applying for the national eco schools green flag. We will be improving the cycle shed (encouraging others to walk or cycle to school), raising awareness of litter and the impact on the environment and reducing waste – particularly single use plastics in lunchboxes.
- Generally raising awareness of how to be more environmentally friendly!
- We have a lot of ideas and plans in the pipeline – watch this space!!!
Eco club
What have we done?
- Litter picks around the school grounds
- Eco audits – how eco are our teachers?? Checking once a term if teachers are remembering to close windows, switch off screens, laptops and air quality readers at the end of the day.
- We have created a bug hotel outside the Year 3 classrooms
- We have carried out bug hunts to see what type of minibeasts we attract.
- We have planted, tended to and harvested tomatoes and potatoes (in conjunction with the Foundation Stage children)
- We feed the wildlife on a regular basis
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