
Barton Seagrave Primary School

'Educating Children to Confidently Face the Future'

Late/Absence Procedures

Signing in/out procedure

Any child arriving at school after 9.05am will have missed the morning registration mark and must be signed in by their parent or carer at Reception, giving a reason for the late arrival. Any child who has to leave school during school hours for a medical appointment or similar bona fida reason must have a note requesting this. This should be addressed to the class teacher, who will pass it to the School Office. Children leaving school during the school day must be signed out at Reception by their parent or carer.


Dental and medical appointments

Parents and carers are asked most earnestly not to arrange these during school sessions, except in cases of urgency, so that considerable interference with school work is avoided. Please do not keep children out of school for the whole day unless absolutely necessary.


Please use the link below to download our latest attendance policy.


In line with Government requirements, we do not authorise any term time holiday requests unless there are exceptional circumstances. 

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